Sunday, September 7, 2008

Google Chrome goes portable: Carry it on a USB Flash drive

Posted Sep 4th 2008 3:00PM by Brad Linder

Want to take Google's new web browser Chrome for a spin, but don't want to install anything on your computer?  While Google hasn't officially released a portable version, the browser is open source. So just a few days after the launch of Google Chrome, an independent developer has released Portable Chrome.

Portable Chrome comes as an 11MB self extracting file. When you run the executable, all the files you need to run Chrome will be loaded to the directory of your choice. Just click on ChromeLoader.exe to launch Google Chrome. And that's pretty much it. The browser includes all the same features you'll find in the original version of Chrome, including a super fast JavaScript engine, incognito mode, and the ability to run tabs as separate process.

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